BJRI Job Circular 2021 | বাংলাদেশ পাট গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট ২০২১

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BJRI Job Circular 2021: Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) has released a job circular on March 24, 2021. According to the current circular, they are looking for the recruitment of Chief Scientific Officer & Senior Scientific Officer post.

The interested job seekers may download [PDF] official circular notice from the official website ( However, you can also go through this article to know more about বাংলাদেশ পাট গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট ২০২১.

BJRI Job Circular 2021

In 1936 the Indian Central Jute Committee established the Jute Agricultural Research Laboratory in Dhaka. After the partition of India the government of Pakistan established the Pakistan Central Jute Committee which reorganised the Jute Research Laboratory as the Jute Research Institute in 1951. After the Independence of Bangladesh the Jute Act was passed and the institute got its present name, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.

.BJRI Job Circular 2021
Employer :Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI).
Post Name:Chief Scientific Officer : 03 Posts.
Senior Scientific Officer : 06 Posts.
Job Location:Bangladesh.
No. of Vacancies:09 Posted
Job Type:Full time jobs.
Job Category:Government Job
Gender:Both males and females are allowed to apply.
Age Limitation :18 – 30 years.
Please see under section………
Salary :Chief Scientific Officer : BDT 50000 – 71200.
Senior Scientific Officer : BDT 35500 – 67010.
Application Start Date:15 March. 2021.
Application Deadline:15 April. 2021.

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  • Chief Scientific Officer : 6 years experience with PhD in the relevant subject or 10 years experience with B.Sc, (Agriculture) / (Tech) / M, S / M, S, S, C
  • Senior Scientific Officer : 2 years experience with PhD in related field or 5 years experience with B.Sc, (Agriculture) / (Tech) / M, S / M, S, S, C.
  • Age: Minimum 39 Years for Chief Scientific Officer Posts and  Minimum 39 Years for Senior Scientific Officer Posts.
  • Extra Knowledge: Check the Job Circular.

How to Apply:

এই বিজ্ঞপ্তির অধীনে পরীক্ষায় অংশগ্রহণে ইচ্ছুক প্রার্থীগণ তাদের আবেদনপত্র মহাপরিচালকবাংলাদেশ পাট গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউটমানিক মিয়া এভিনিউঢাকা-১২০৭ এই ঠিকানায় অবশ্যই প্রাপ্তি স্বীকারপত্র সহ সরাসরি / ডাকযোগে প্রেরণ করতে পারেন । আবেদনের সময়সীমা ১৫ এপ্রিল ২০২১ 

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